Monday, March 12, 2018

PM May on Russia - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

Putin is treating the UK like  a fool, the Russians have gotten away in the past with killing its own citizens, at home and abroad, the Putin Regime is a rogue regime with blood on its hands.  The SAD part is that Putin is popular in Russia, it can be argued that he would win even if he shot someone who was a traitor in the view of Russians.   Putin has to be stopped NOW, ,before he does something that could lead to World War 3, it is when the West allows dictators to get away with such actions that it creates a case for accidents.   Who will the Russians kill the next time, and what point does it become a ACT OF WAR, the Russians would never try to kill an ex agent in US with nuclear of chemical material, the US would go bonkers if Putin tried any funny business there, the US does have its limits, one only hopes the Russians understand that lesson. 

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