Tuesday, February 06, 2018

The Stock Market, UP and DOWN - Trump Era

Lets Get Real: 

One should only play the stock market if you have money to lose, the Markets are played by experts and even they get burned sometimes.   This blog has seen the stock market crash of 1987, then the 2008 Brink, this present swings is a correction, the Market was over priced whatever President Trump says.   This could be the time to buy stocks of good companies, if they are hit by a price reduction.   The canny expert knows when to buy and when to sell, do not have affection for your stock, and see it hit the dustbin.  If you do nothing else, put money in SAFE and BORING investments, like in ISA, better to know where your money is, this blog has not played the market in ages, it's like gambling, and the experts eat you like toast if you have money to throw away. 

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