Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Trump White House and Race - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The Elite liberal press have to careful that they are not being played, this could be a strategic move by the Trump White House to keeps moderates in the Trump base happy, also it pushes the left NEVER to be happy, they have never accepted a Trump Presidency.   This blog has made it clear its views on POTUS and Race, the left has to be careful that their constant critical view turns off moderate white voters, the left think and lets be honest, you are the following if your a Conservative, of course you are " racist, anti green, wont pay tax to help the poor, anti gay, etc " of course its rubbish and there only so much self hate the TV viewer can take, one starts to feel sorry for Trump, and that should NEVER be the case, the man has sexist views on women, and needs a course on race relations in the US.   The left must not over play its hand, so far the usual Republican critics of Trump have come out, the base and most Republicans are keeping their heads, down, the left has to learn to play politics, they should have a talk with Francis Underwood, President Underwood has his faults, but he understands politics. 

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