Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Blair Sorry for Iraq, kind of, - Iraq Inquiry 2

Lets Get Real:

In the day this blog did a Masters course on intelligence and national security, it can be argued that ALL the intelligence agencies before the Iraq War thought the Iraqi Regime had WMD.  The problem with intelligence is that it can be subjective, LBJ used the suspected attack on a US Ship as a reason to attack North Vietnam, that it might not have happened only become clear later, the President never said sorry for the bombing and its bogus reason for the bombing.   Thus when you are doing PR politics with the used of intelligence it is a given that leader will stress its main strong points, Blair wanted to be with Bush 43 when it came to Iraq, the Government was warned by those against the War that it would be a mistake, the Blair Government went to war with Iraq, based on political self interest and the believe that the WMD was there, Tony Blair's only fault was to allow his need to be with the US in the War even if the information was not 100%, sometimes you roll the dice and you win, sometimes you do not, and in this case Blair was not lucky. 

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