Friday, May 30, 2014

Is the Oval losing the NYT ? - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real: 

Is President Obama losing the liberal New York Times, YES/NO, the paper at the end of the day will always defend President Obama, the problem is that it can not defend both Obama and Hillary Clinton, something has to give, thus since Obama has only 2 years to go the NYT is moving its faith to Hillary in 2016.  The Oval will understand this move, political is a harsh business, your either in or out, and President Obama is heading for the door on January 20th 2017.   The liberal NYT wants to make sure that Hillary Clinton wins in 2016, thus any faults will be placed on the Oval, liberals do not want the political muck thrown by the Republicans to stick to Hillary, it is difficult as Hillary Clinton was Obama's first term Secretary of State, she has her own problems from the period, for followers of politics it will be interesting to see how the left moves, throwing Obama to his Republicans critics if need be to make sure its President Hillary Clinton on January 2oth 2017. 

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