Thursday, May 29, 2014

Is the Chilcot Inquiry a WHITEWASH? - Iraq War

Guardian: Reports " Chilcot inquiry accused of whitewash over letters between Blair and Bush "

Lets Get Real:

The BBC/Guardian types will always be critical of Blair for Iraq, the will not be happy in less Blair is before the International Court, that is never going to happen, that what drives them crazy, there are lot of other policy and political judgements that Blair was wrong on, but not Iraq, the Iraq Regime was a threat to Western interests in the area, the fact that since the War the power of Iran has grown is down to the political decisions of those that followed Bush 43/Blair.    At the end of the day the UK has to be with Bush 43 when it came to the invasion of Iraq, the US is our closes ally, where the US goes we go, with Vietnam and Syria being the exception, the Syrian vote in the House of Commons was more a late reaction to Iraq.   Thus we see the start of the historical debate on Iraq. 

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