Friday, May 09, 2014

Benghazi Scandal and the Democrats - 2nd Term Blues

Guardian: Report that House Democrats will decide Friday if they are going to take part in the Benghazi House Select Committee investigation.

Lets Get Real: 

It could be this blogger's age but it seems that the Benghazi scandal has had more investigations than Watergate, Iran - Contra and Bill Clinton's affair.   The reason  this blog supports another investigation is the FACT that the Obama Administration has lied through out the process, first it was the video, then it was the idea of the CIA, then when a White House email comes out that shows that the push for the video came from the White House, the new spin is that it was ages ago and it was a structural problem.  The White House would get a pass from this blog if it just came out and said that due to the Presidential Election in 2012 the Staff allowed politics to play a part, find someone willing to take the political blame, if possible someone who has left and has nothing to lose in career terms, then move on, otherwise this investigation could hurt the chances of Hillary Clinton in 2016. 

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