Monday, April 07, 2014

Ukrainian Officer KILLED in the Crimea - Ukraine Crisis Latest 2

Lets Get Real:

Thus the pawns have been set in motion by Moscow, you have the unrest in the East of Ukraine, pro Russians protesters with guns, you have this death in the Crimea that will cause concern in Kiev, on the whole the Kiev Government has been passive, it has not risen to the bait of the Russians, one can assume that this is because of pressure from the Oval Office and the EU, but how long can Kiev do nothing when it comes to the Eastern Ukraine, it has to make sure on the ground that the East does not fall to the pro Russian protesters with guns, thus the Army of the Ukraine might have to make some movement to defend those that are loyal to the new Government in Kiev.    As stated you can not keep between forty and eighty thousands troops on standby for action for days and weeks on end, they become restive and can cause you more problems if you decide to take action, thus watch the news over the next few days, the Russian Bear might have woken up. 

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