Thursday, March 13, 2014

Russian Military ON the Ukraine and Russian Border - Ukraine Latest

Lets Get Real:

One can postulate that President Putin might be thinking, lets go for gold, the take over the whole of the Ukraine, this would be popular in Russia, it would make up for the breakup of the USSR and would place Putin in the history books as the President that bought back the old Russian Empire.   The question does Putin think that the West would not react to this move, the whole of the Ukraine in Russia would bring Russia close to Poland, a NATO country and the Baltic States, also NATO countries, could President Obama allow Putin to bring back the Russian Empire by force, that kind of thing does not go down well in history, just ask Chamberlain.   The Ukraine crisis has been has fallen off the lead in the news in  the past few days, lets see what happens after the Sunday vote for the Crimea to be come part of Russia, events could get out of control fast, who is bluffing, we shall see in the days ahead. 

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