Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hillary Clinton and REVENGE - 2016 Election

CNN - Politics: Reports on more secrets from the archive of a late friend of Hillary Clinton, the latest is the then First Lady asking how to keep records of her time in the White House, the article notes the following, When asked why, according to the friend’s June 20, 1994, diary entry, Clinton said, “Revenge.”.

Lets Get Real:

The US voter has to asked do they want another Richard Nixon in the White House, we have heard that in 2008 the Clinton Campaign kept a list of those that had been seen to betray the former First Lady and then Senator when she ran against President Obama, with ALL the good stuff that comes with the Clintons, they are real policy wonks, there is also the scandals and the women, the article notes that Hillary Clinton called Monica Lewinsky a “narcissistic loony toon.”, can a President Hillary Clinton keep Bill under control, can Bill Control himself, one does lose count of actual women and the alleged women from his time as Governor and President.    Politics is an art, Clinton is seen as the front runner for the Democrats in 2016, three years is a long time, we shall see if its another Clinton vs. Bush match up again, it could be back to the future again. 

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