Saturday, February 22, 2014

A SPLIT of the Ukraine - Ukraine Crisis - Great Russia Threat

Lets Get Real:

Thus this blog and others were right, the East or some of aspects of the East could become a separate Country or join with Putin's Russia, THE EU and the US has to be firm with Russia, if this happens then this could lead to a New Cold War, that the West of the Ukraine would come under the security cover of NATO, reading the Ukraine people one can postulate that they want to keep the Ukraine, how will take the break up of the Ukraine, what if those areas closer to the Polish border want to join their former neighbours, this could get tricky very fast, pity Bush 41 is not in the White House, at least Bush 41 was a great diplomat, developing story.  

Note:  This blog is using, #FreeUk, #FreeUkraine. 

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