Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Germany vs. Obama's NSA - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

Since 9/11 folks the World has changed, the intelligence networks of the West have to spy on everyone and every thing, no one wants to go through another 9/11 or 7/7, if a nuclear dirty bomb goes off in London or New York, the people will not care about privacy issues, they will want to know who dropped the ball, a recent report in the UK Times showed that yellow cake, a material that can be used for a nuclear device is not secure in Libya.  The US and the UK have to have their ears open, in that process they pick up millions of info, one can not say that innocent info is not been picked up, but also terrorists info is also picked up, so what do you want folks, totally security but your privacy removed a bit or no security and total privacy, that is the choice you have folks, GET OVER IT.  In this hat off to the NSA, lets hope the UK is doing the same, ears open folks. 

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