Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Obama and the Polls - Syria Crisis 4

RCP: Reports on the average of President Obama's poll rating, today President Obama has a  " 43.6% job approval rating, while 50.4% disapprove of the job performance of the Oval. ".

Lets Get Real:

Thus not great folks, but not a disaster, the problem is that President Obama has to spend his political capital on Syria, there are other fights to come, from protecting funding for ObamaCare, to immigration, to the US Debt ceiling.   The President will hope Syria goes well, that Assad does not strike, Israel, Jordan or Turkey, that Syria does not become a political mess for the Oval to deal with, its the one War that the Oval can not blame on Bush 43.  The less popular a US President is folks, the less influence he has on the Hill, of course we have the 2014 Mid Terms coming, the Democrats had hopes of retaking the House, that seems off the table, the Republicans might even retake the US Senate, thus the Oval will be hoping for a fair wind next year, that Syria calms down, that ObamaCare works, that the US economy starts to run up and not down, lot of IF's folks, that the fun of US politics folks. 

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