Thursday, September 05, 2013

Obama and House Democrats - Syria Crisis

The Washington Post: Reports the following from the Democratic side of the House, " Pelosi not sure House Democrats will back Syria resolution ".

Lets Get Real: 

The Democrats face the Mid Terms next year folks, they need liberals to come OUT, to give money and knock on doors to get people to vote, the US voter and liberal Democrats in this case are against the War, that is the problem for a 2nd term President, your voter value goes down as you head in to the election cycle, the Democrats would like to increase their members in the House, even retake the House, they do not want to lose their present level.   Thus the Oval will need strong Republican support, thus he should ask for HELP from Senator McCain, otherwise the Oval faces the prospect that the Congress will not pass a resolution and the image of the US and the Oval will be damaged for the rest of the Obama term.   Tense days ahead folks. 

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