Monday, August 26, 2013

A Statement for War - Secretary Kerry

The meaning of this attack goes beyond the conflict in Syria itself, and that conflict has already brought so much terrible suffering. This is about the large-scale, indiscriminate use of weapons that the civilized world long ago decided must never be used at all – a conviction shared even by countries that agree on little else. There is a clear reason that the world has banned entirely the use of chemical weapons. There is a reason the international community has set a clear standard and why many countries have taken major steps to eradicate these weapons. There is a reason why President Obama has made it such a priority to stop the proliferation of these weapons and lock them down where they do exist. There is a reason why President Obama has made clear to the Assad regime that this international norm cannot be violated without consequences. And there is a reason why no matter what you believe about Syria, all peoples and all nations who believe in the cause of our common humanity must stand up to assure that there is accountability for the use of chemical weapons so that it never happens again.

Lets Get Real:

This is a WAR SPEECH folks, lets hope President Obama can bring passion to his remarks when he states the action taken by the US, and folks there will be action, the next step will be up to Assad, DO NOTHING in return or  INVITE the US in to the Syrian Civil War with an attack on a US friend in the region.  Time will tell folks. 

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