Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Fog of War - Mali Crisis Update 4

Lets Get Real: 

In other words folks the French are in trouble, the Government forces of Mali can not follow through after the French air strikes, the French Government is speaking through two sides of its mouth, one saying things are going great, while the other is saying this is going to be hard.   The French have to get over their EGO, its a French thing, and ask for help from the US and the UK, we have spent the past decade fighting terrorists groups, in that process the UK and US have learned some hard lessons, with many of our Soldiers paying with their lives, thus the UK and the US should be better able to deal with this terrorist threat, if France sees this a threat to its previous colonial interest then it will have suck its gut in and ask for HELP.    One questions if the French have the backbone to ask for help this early, they might think it worth while to loss some brave soldiers before asking for help, typical French pride.  I feel sorry for the French Soldiers. 

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