Wednesday, January 16, 2013

France ALONE - Mali Crisis Update 3

Lets Get Real:

The question that has to be asked is how long France places pressure on the UK to to a Libya, the Libyan operation lead by NATO but its face was the UK and France, while the Oval hide behind its desk, SORRY, lead, also the UK might need to borrow the French Navy should the Falklands come under attack again, in other words folk the UK might get dragged in one way or another, but there should be a price, if we place our grounds troops in Mali the French have to agree to support the UK taking back powers from the EU, and many other issues.   The French have to learn that an ally can not be stabbed in the back as with Iraq and there is no payback, if we have to save the French again it will cost, and it will hurt, the Germans wont be happy but then this blog does not see them placing ground troops in Mali.    War is hell folks, but political payback is worse, a lot worse. 

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