Friday, January 04, 2013

Saudi Arabia, US and Al Qaeda

Lets Get Real:

This blog is not a great supporter of President Obama, but this is the exception folks, the Obama kill sheet never ends, as Al Qaeda is always replacing those killed on captured.   The President has not been afraid to expand the drone attacks of Bush 43,  he has gone after Al Qaeda all over the World.  I guess since the left see Obama as a liberal they have to keep quiet, so was LBJ, how long before even the left start to lose their faith that Obama is one of them.    One can see a future incident, the wrong people are killed or something of that nature, and the left will go bonkers, the uber main stream media on the whole has kept its nose out of it and the US Courts have taken their policy from the Government stand point, but for how long folks, how long before the ube main stream media start to call POTUS, Godfather Obama, it will happen folks, and as the 2nd term goes on the Presidency will come under critical attack from all sides, that is the nature of 2nd term Presidencies.  On this the Oval is dead right, lets take out these terrorists before they become a threat, innocent people will be killed, but that is the nature of the deadly game folks. 

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