Saturday, November 03, 2012

Obama's 2nd Term - Iran

The New York Times: Reports the following from Tehran, Iran on the anniversary of the Iran Hostage Crisis  , " Iranian hard-liners turned the annual commemoration on Friday into a stage for opposing any form of compromise. ".

Lets Get Real:

In essence the election is OVER, yes people have to VOTE, but Obama is going to get a 2nd term, lets look at his major crisis in the 2nd term, that is Iran and the threat by Israel to strike Iran should it go nuclear.   The latest reports in the papers is that Israel has agreed to wait in till next year to see if the tough sanctions by the US and the EU has any effect on Iran.   They will not folks.   Thus what next, the Oval will have choice, either support Israel in military strike on Iran or get Israel to accept a nuclear armed Iran.   NEWS to Oval, that is not going to happen, if Israel thinks that POTUS is trying to sell Israel out it will strike Iran, then Obama will have a choice, either follow through with a US military strike, and see the liberal left go bonkers or be critical of Israel and see the US Congress go the other way and support Israel.  In other words POTUS wont have a choice, thus expect joint US and Israel action next year folks.   The liberal left and the uber liberal media both sides of the Atlantic will go bonkers,  that is why POTUS might regret winning folks, what the political Gods give they take away, and Obama could find himself, like Bush 43 IN the dog house with the uber elite both sides of the Atlantic. 

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