Friday, October 19, 2012

The CIA strikes BACK on Oval - 2012 Election

Telegraph: Reports the following on Libyagate, " ..CIA sources said they had reported "within 24 hours" that the assault was carried out by Islamist militants. ".

Lets Get Real:

Thus we have the mess that is Libyagate, in D.C its not the scandal that kills you but the cover up, the Obama Administration made great play at the DNC that it had killed OBL.   Then on 9/11 a franchise of Al Qaeda put that message at risk with the destruction of the US Consulate in Libya, after that the Obama Administration was all over the place, days after the attacks the US UN Ambassador on the US Sunday talk shows was stating that the deaths were down to a vile video.  Only in the past few days has Hillary Clinton taken the heat for the Oval.   Then after that didn't work the Oval placed blame on the CIA.  NEVER A GOOD IDEA, they can hit back hard, thus the above story.   Thus when did the President know IT was a terrorist attack and when did he decide it was a threat to to his re-election.   When ever POTUS opens his mouth on the subject he makes it worse.  

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