Friday, July 13, 2012

Obama vs. Romney - The Friday Match Up Polls

Rasmussen Reports: Reports on its daily tracking poll on the match up between President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, on this Friday President Obama leads Governor Romney by 46% to 45%, a 1%.

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll on the match up between President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, on this Friday it finds a tie at 46%.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks we have a tied a tied election; as these polls have likely voters as with the case with Rasmussen and Registered voters with Gallup; neither Obama or Romney have managed to keep a stable lead, thus its a open race. In pure PR terms POTUS has had a good few days, he has kept the conversation on the business record of Romney, thus charges have been throw about, that Obama is a liar, while Romney has been called a felon. It is only July folks, not the end of October. The voters want to know what the candidates are going to do over the next four years. Thus Romney needs to define the future better, while Obama needs something, he cant spend the next few months just talking about the Romney past record. That might work with the base but it does not work with Independents and Conservative Democrats. Thus both candidates have a lot more to do define their Campaigns and to define the other Party. The Campaign has gotten dirty early folks, YES that is what Democracy is about folks, thus the fun starts.

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