Sunday, July 15, 2012

The BAIN of Romney - US 2012 Race

BBC News: Reports that Governor Mitt Romney the Republican Nominee for President has called on President Obama to apologise for his attacks on the Romney business record.

Lets Get Real:

This is political BS folks, also its bad politics, the Obama Campaign should have used the business record of Governor Romney against him in October. In less there is a something in the Obama charges then there is no there there, it will start to look like Chicago political hard ball. It is July folks, people are holiday or planning their breaks, these charges are about events that happened nearly 13 years ago, and so far the Obama Camp has not said what Romney has done that is illegal. The US voter wants to know what the Candidates are offering for the next four years, not the past, thus both candidates need a clear vision for the future, Obama wont win re-election if all he has is negative questions about Romney, he needs to produce a plan for the next four years, while Romney has to produce a plan that is different from Obama, lot more attacks to go folks.

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