Sunday, June 10, 2012

Obama Gift to the Republicans - 2012 Race

The Washington Post: Has the following review of President Obama's remarks that the private sector was doing fine, " It would be hard to imagine a greater gift than the sound bite that Barack Obama handed to Republicans on Friday.. ".

Lets Get Real:

One has to ask does President Obama want to win the election in November or has he deep in his heart given up, POTUS is a clever politician, you don't come out of nowhere to win the Oval without having some political smarts. The President is starting to make as many political mistakes as VP Biden, he allowed his VP to force him to come out in support of gay marriage well before the Oval was ready, now he has stated that the private sector is fine, he latest TV advert is more concerned with creating public sector jobs, not jobs in the private sector. Once the US voter thinks a POTUS is out of touch he is heading to lose an election, thus the case with Hoover, Carter and Bush 41. The President can not afford to many BAD WEEKS, any more and Democrats running for political office will decide its in their interest not to have Obama campaign with them, its that serious folks. The Obama Oval needs to revise its election plan, all this class warfare and tax hikes statements might work with the uber liberal NYT, it is not going down well with the US voter. Either Obama wants to win or he will join a very small club, one term Presidents who didn't get re-elected, that is the stark choice folks.

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