Sunday, November 20, 2011

Your Terrorist, Heroic Insurgents ? - Syria

Sunday Telegraph: Reports on insurgent attacks on the Syrian Capital Damascus and President Assad has stated he will fight and die in Syria. President Assad does sound like Colonel Gaddafi, don’t they have CNN or SKY News in Damascus, also as a sidebar it is interesting, the Telegraph describes the attackers as Insurgents, while the view from Damascus Regime would be that they are terrorists. As they attacker want rid of the Assad Regime they are good Insurgents, but they will need back up as did the Libyan rebels, insurgents. Lets be direct here folks, Syria is in a small scale Civil War, the rebels are growing, and they are getting their hands on weapons, they need some heavy ammo and tanks, lets see if they can persuade or blackmail parts of the Syrian Army or Air Force to come over to the rebels, that would be a game changer folks. Lets hope the Israelis are keeping eye on their border, the last time the Syrian Regime was in trouble it sent protesters over the Israeli border to tear down the fence. It would be cheap PR move but it would be effective in changing the story for a while again, lets see what Syria does over the next few days and weeks folks.

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