Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rixos Hotel = Libyan Front Line

BBC News: Has a radio interview with the BBC’s Matthew Price inside the Rixos Hotel. The situation in the hotel is described as desperate. As stated in last post the new Libyan Government or NATO special forces have to get the reporters out. They are in effect being used as human shields. Thus the importance of either arresting or killing Colonel Gaddafi, is Gaddafi in the basement of the hotel, its a possibility, it would explain why the Gaddafi security forces are holding the reporters, as a last card to get the Colonel out of the Country, lets recall what the hostage crisis did to Jimmy Carter between 1979/80. What if NATO has to make a deal with the Gaddafi forces to get the reporters back, Gaddafi being given secured passage to a country of his choice, it could be that bad folks.

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