Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Abdication Crisis - Wallis Simpson Letters

Telegraph: Reports on unseen letters from Wallis Simpson to her 2nd husband Ernest Simpson at the time of the Abdication Crisis of 1936. These are historical documents folks, Edward VIII the future Duke of Windsor was the only King - Emperor ever to give up the throne, from the subjective perception of his subjects he chose love over duty. But reading this article it is interesting to see that one of the greatest love stories of the age was complicated, there were three people in this relationship, Edward VIII Wallis and Ernest Simpson. It has been argued with some justification that the Duke was weak man, and that the Crown and the Country was better off with the then Duke of York, the future King George VI, but on his relationship with Wallis the Duke stood his ground, got what he wanted, so the Duke was weak as his duties, but stubborn when it came to the affair of the heart, this blog does never questions the Crown.

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