Saturday, July 02, 2011

Iraq Government and Shiite Militants

The New York Times: Reports the Iraqi Shiite Government has cracked down on Iran backed Shiite militants in Iraq, who are a threat to US Forces. Iraq on the whole has been off the news, simple reason the Bush surge worked and Iraq although not quite peaceful is more stable for US security. The US is meant to be out of Iraq by the end of 2011, it can be argued for the security of the US and Iraq that a small force should be kept in country to prevent Iraq falling to Iran once the US is out of Iraq. Also if Iran does go nuclear, the US or Israel will need to use Iraqi air space to attack Iran. The question of was the Iraq War worth it, is one that will take years if not decades, this blog still supports the launch of the War, if not the post war planning, and the failure of the UK military to configure their forces for the problems in the South, at the end of the day Iraq was a military failure for the UK, the sad part was that it cost the lives of 179 of our brave soldiers.

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