Saturday, July 09, 2011

53% Disapproval for POTUS

Rasmussen Reports: Has its latest daily tracking poll on President Obama, today Obama has a 53% Disapproval rating, while 46% of likely voters approve of the job performance of President Obama. The latest unemployment figures were a disaster for the Oval, the rate has gone up from 9.1% to 9.2%. If you include those in part time work and those in jobs well below their qualifications the rate of unemployment is between 16% -20%. The one silver lining for the Oval is that the Presidential Election is a year away, thus if Obama is going to change his economic polices this is the time. In 1984 Ronald Reagan had just below 7.3% unemployment but won with 59% of the vote, 49 States and 525 Electoral votes, but this was due to the perception that the US was in the boom years, this is not the perception in the US NOW, Obama has to become a Reagan Democrat or face being a Carter Democrat, the Oval does not have much time, does Obama want a second term, or cant he admit he was wrong.

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