Thursday, June 23, 2011

UK and Afghanistan

Telegraph: Reports that the UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has made it clear that the UK will be out of Afghanistan by 2015. This is the right move by the Government, one can pause with the news that the UK was behind the idea that the US talk to the Taliban, but it’s a way out of Afghanistan. The kind readers of this blog might raise an eyebrow, since in the last post on Afghanistan then blog tarred and feathered the US and France over its withdrawal plans for Afghanistan, the difference folks is that the UK has been in bloody Afghanistan at the time of the British Empire, we have the bloody t-shirts, the UK does not have to prove it can take body bags when it comes to Afghanistan. One can question that of the US and France, harsh but true folks, in many respects Obama is following the British Empire policy when it comes to Afghanistan, find a leader it can do business with and get out, then have a few planes, or drones drop some bombs on the locals if they get out of hand. What really drives this blog up the wall is for Afghanistan the US and UK almost had a winning plan and the politicians lose their lunch due to elections. The Coalition Government is right get out if the US is to surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban, Kabul will not hold power once the Allies are gone, the Soviets tried a similar policy, the Taliban hung that leader from the nearest tree. If we are getting out we should get out NOW, all our TROOPS. Who will explain to the families of the future fallen why the fell, Afghanistan could not be held, and so much UK pain, for what, sand just sand.

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