Friday, April 08, 2011

The Kennedys - Review

Telegraph: Has a very negative review of the Kennedys TV drama. This blog found it very interesting, if you have a interest in the Kennedys there was nothing new in this drama, but if you have no interest in politics or the Kennedys then you would on the whole found it quite informative. The blog did have a problem with Joe Kennedy Junior being scathing about the heroic World War Two record of JFK, one can see the point, recall reading a biography of JFK that took the view that the episode either deserved JFK a medal or a Court Martial. In less that scene is taken from some historical source one has raise doubts, also would JFK really have had a affair; ( that’s being kind, there are rumours that he played away on the day he become President ); on the night of 1960 election. As to Greg Kinnear as JFK and Barry Pepper as RFK, they are excellent, Mr Kinnear has that JFK Kennedy charm, and Mr Pepper has that intensity of the younger brother. Lets see how the drama develops and what they cover and how they cover the historical episodes of the Kennedys. Out of 10, it would be fair to give the show 8.5. It could be real winner, and the Kennedys if anything were about winning.

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