Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Deraa DEATHS = Libya

Guardian: Reports that the residents of the Syrian City of Deraa face artillery and sniper fire from the Syrian Security Forces. Thus one has to ask what is the point of the UN, people are getting killed in their own streets by their own government, and so far d-m all from the UN. The World Community reacted to the repression of Colonel Gaddafi with military force, why not Syria, simple folks, Syria is a major player in the inter connected politics of the Middle East, any attack on Syria would bring in Iran. The Obama Administration has tried the hand out approach to Syria, so far not that successful, thus the West does not want to push Syria more in to the clutches of Iran, the Arab Spring started to fall apart in Libya but has finished in Syria. There will be strong words from the World Community but that’s it folks, Libya has proved to be problematic, any action over Syria could lead to a regional Middle East War, thus a nuclear armed Israel and the prospective nuclear armed Iran could come in to conflict, thus it’s a game no one wants to play, in this POTUS is right to keep to the rhetoric.

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