Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Last Stand in Libya = Benghazi

Guardian: Reports that Colonel Gaddafi has an open road to the rebel HQ of Benghazi. If President Obama loses next year folks it will be down to Libya, Democrats never do well in National Security but the Republicans will make POTUS live and breath Libya. It can be postulated that the Colonel Gaddafi will use his air power and heavy military equipment to route the opposition and then slaughter all those that took arms against him, the blood for the forthcoming massacre will be on the hands of one man, that is President Obama, he has allowed his ego to decide Foreign Policy, just because for a short time he was bought up a Muslim country does not make him expert on the issue, quite the reverse in some respects, cant see beyond his own liberal point of view. One can see the UN passing a No Fly Zone after the slaughter of the people of Benghazi. This was a great chance in Libya for the West to support freedom but Obama built his career on being opposed to Iraq, thus he was fighting the wrong war and the good people are going to die for the ego of a President.

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