Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bahrain on the Brink - Civil War?

Telegraph: Reports that the King of Bahrain after requesting military aid from Saudi Arabia has declared a three month national emergency. The internal conflict in Bahrain is a proxy war between the more powerful Saudi Arabia which is Sunni while its adversary Iran is Persian and Shia. In the last few years Iran has built up its power base in the Middle East, this is seen as a threat by SA. As Bahrain is majority Shia while the Monarchy is Sunni the Government of SA does not want a satellite of Iran on his border, also that border on the SA side is the location of the minority SA Shias. Thus while the world is looking at Japan, SA and Libya and taking military actions that would be leading the TV news and newspaper coverage. The Oval in its heart of hearts must hope that protesters are suppressed quick in Bahrain and that the news coverage is limited, its awkward for POTUS, how can he be strong on Libya if a close ally is following in his footsteps.

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