Saturday, February 05, 2011

Mexican Stand off in Egypt

The New York Times: Reports that President Obama supports the plan for Vice - President of Egypt General Suleiman to take over from President Mubarak, while developing a road map for Democracy in Egypt. At present you have the Army on the fence, the Vice - President who is trying to avoid getting killed by God who knows, you have a President who is as stubborn as a mule. It seems from reports that the Government of Egypt wants Egypt back in business on Sunday, the problem is the protesters in Liberation Square, the Army has asked them to move as to get Cairo back to its routine but they are as stubborn as Mubarak. A Country cant come to a standstill, the Army has to tell the protesters they are getting what they want, but it’s a process not a sprint, they have to go home and become part of the political process, otherwise all the concessions could become worthless if Egypt falls apart.

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