Sunday, January 30, 2011

Obama/Cameron - Transition to Democracy = Egypt

Guardian: Reports that UK Prime Minister David Cameron supports the latest remarks by President Obama that Egypt should have a peaceful transition to Democracy. One has to wonder if one was a cynic if these remarks are for the historical record if the Army and Police regain control of Cairo and Egypt. In other words, to keep the New York Times, the Guardian happy the US and UK wants it on the record that the leaders did support Democracy but only after discreet info from their own people that the Army is going get heavy with the protests or have ex spook take over as President in a few days. But this blog is cynical when it comes to leaders and international politics, they might actually mean it, another Iran 1979 anyone. There is something in the air folks, the US is getting its people out, one can assume it has gotten the word that the Army and Police are going in heavy, but that is just a guess, lets face even the experts are guessing. Interesting hours and days ahead folks.

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