Sunday, November 07, 2010

Why Bush won over Gore in 2000 - You like HIM ?

The New York Times: Ms Dowd reviews the memoirs of Bush 43, in a way she is also describing why Bush 43 won over VP Gore in 2000, Ms Dowd states the following on the memoirs of Bush 43, “…….deftly crafted and utterly selective new memoir……after I finished reading it, I was ready to vote for the guy. ”. It was noted during the 2000 election folks that Bush 43 was the type of guy you could have a drink with if you were a man while women would want to date him, a classic example that was used that if Gore came to pick you up for a date he would arrive on time and wait for you arrive, Bush 43 would crash on the grass and hoot the horn for you to get in the car! You have to like the President, at some level the guy in the Oval has to connect to the folks, that is the problem that Obama has at the present, he is seen as arrogant and elite, no everyone has gone to Harvard Law! Ms Dowd notes all the usual negatives about Bush 43 but also in way explains why Bush 43 served two terms, while Bush 41 served only one, in a way Bush 43 was the heir to Reagan not his father.

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