Thursday, September 02, 2010


BBC News: Reports that Tony Blair’s autobiography A Journey is a major bestseller. The worry for former PM Gordon Brown must be that the books by Campbell, Mandelson and now Blair will define his time as Chancellor and then later as PM. The picture that comes across while showing deference to his intellect and his political strategy skills is of a deeply unpleasant man to be around, lets put it this way, if you had a choice of being a foxhole with Gordon Brown or going over the top you would be charging over the top in five minutes. Thus Mr Brown must think about his book, if his book is just about economics it will confirm the picture of a man who does not listen, in other words Mr Brown has to come out fighting for his political and personal reputation, this might not do Labour any good but history is a harsh mistress, once a picture is drawn its very hard to change impressions, lets hope Mr Brown has good advisors.

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