Saturday, August 21, 2010

12 Months Clock for a Nuclear Armed Iran ?

Telegraph: Reports that the Obama Administration has told Israel through the New York Times that Iran is 12 months away from getting the bomb. If your Israel you look at the successful bombing of the Iraq Nuclear facility under the Reagan Administration and the bombing of the Syrian nuclear facility under Bush 43 and you ask do you dare Obama to be critical after Israel has bombed Iran. If Israel is smart it will bomb close to the 2010 Mid Term Elections in the US, this will place Obama on the back foot, he will have to support Israel or see the Democrats wiped from the political map, Obama is to low in the polls to threaten Israel, the Congress would remove any Obama sanction against Israel, that is the cost of low Presidential approval ratings folks. Its up to Israel does it have to the guts to act and to act in a smart manner, that is the questions folks.

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