Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Iraq War " illegal " - Nick Clegg

Guardian: Reports on the remarks by the DPM Nick Clegg that the War in Iraq was illegal while he was standing in for PM Cameron at PMQs. As the article notes 10 Downing Street has stated that this is not the view of the Coalition Government, just the personal view of Nick Clegg the DPM of the Coalition. This might look like a mistaken comment but it helps Nick Clegg with his own Party. It shows that the Lib Dems have not been taken over by the Conservative Party, lets face it the Iraq War was not that popular with the UK voter. One can postulate that Cameron and Clegg have a common view on Afghanistan and Iraq but that the Conservative leader cant state such left wing views due to the right wing of the Conservative Party. Also Iraq is down to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, helps the Coalition to divert attention back on the major mistake of Labour while in power. Spin within Spin folks.

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