Sunday, May 09, 2010

Respect for President Medvedev of Russia

The Sunday Times: Reports on the critical attack by President Medvedev of Russia on Stalin and his role in World War Two. I have to admit this blogger thought at first that President Medvedev was a puppet of PM Putin, but these strong words of attack on Stalin shows that President Medvedev is his own man, Putin in the past has stated his regret that the USSR fell, Medvedev has no love for the USSR. At the end of the day Stalin and Hitler killed millions, evil is evil, the UK had to work with Stalin to defeat Hitler, a threat to Europe, but the mistake that the West did was to look the other way at the crimes of Stalin pre and after World War Two, there just might be some hope for Russia if they can look at the past see the good and the bad, the era of Stalin was evil, if there is a hell Stalin and Hitler should be in its flames for all time.

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