Saturday, May 22, 2010

Another Tet Offensive ? - Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports that the Taliban/Al Qaeda have attacked the main NATO base in Kandahar Southern Afghanistan. It can be postulated that President Obama should start to really worry about Afghanistan, a major military offensive by NATO is developing around Kandahar and what do we see, the Taliban/Al Qaeda are on the attack, one's gut gets the feeling that we are seeing another Tet Offensive ( Viet Cong attack on in US Forces in Southern Vietnam in 1968 ), as with Tet its not that attack that counts, its the PR, in 1968 the US Forces won the Battle of Tet but lost the War at home, the Obama Administration plans start the withdrawal of US troops in 2011, either President will follow through and lose Afghanistan and Pakistan or he will reverse course, lets recall it was Vietnam that bought down LBJ. The Taliban / Al Qaeda are not fools, they do read history, they also see that Obama is down in the polls, thus expect more close attacks on US Forces in Afghanistan and around the Capitol of Kabul. A 2011 time table plays in to the hands of the Taliban, thus Obama has a problem, if he does start to take troops out he is stating that the Taliban have won, if he reverse course the American left will not support him in 2012, Obama can not afford to lose Afghanistan, thus my prediction that Obama will either not run in 2012 or will lose by 49 states.

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