Monday, April 05, 2010

Karzai and the Taliban

Fox News: Reports on the unease in the Obama White House with the threat from President Karzai of Afghanistan to jump ship and join the Taliban. The real worry for President Obama is the threat that President Karzai could ask the USA and NATO to leave Afghanistan NOW, that would be a political disaster. The West would have a stark choice, follow the request or remove President Karzai, those would be the only two options. One has to wonder does Karzai have the backbone to go that far, all these critical comments are based on the simple fact as stated that Karzai is fed up with the USA telling him how to run Afghanistan when it comes to domestic matters. Lets recall that Karzai has just won re-election, thus he does have a mandate, didn't see Obama get a mandate from the people of Afghanistan to tell them how run their own country. It can be postulated that all Karzai wants is to be seen as a ruler of his own country, in other words someone who Obama cant dismiss has to tell him to back off with his demands that Afghanistan become less corrupt, the USA is not in Afghanistan to make it the new Chicago, it in Afghanistan to kill the enemy, in this case Al Qaeda and the Taliban, thus the US needs Karzai, in many respects more that Karzai needs Obama. The US has to win the war first before it start to nation build in Afghanistan.

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