Monday, April 05, 2010

Karzai and Diem = Afghanistan/South Vietnam

WSJ: Reports on the growing tensions between the Kabul Regime of President Karzai and the Obama White House. In essence Kabul is very much like political workings of Chicago, the home town of President Obama, corruption is the norm, and President Karzai does not like the fact that the Obama White House wants less corruption and more effective government in Afghanistan. The case has an historical example, Diem of South Vietnam also become an irritant to the Kennedy White House, thus the infamous August 1963 green light for the coup that lead to the death of Diem and the rolling in of the US Marines in 1965. In the modern case there is a major difference, Karzai has just been re-elected for a second term, corruption took place but it is agreed that Karzai would have won the second round, it just that the second round would have cost the lives of more NATO soldiers, for a victory that was guaranteed Also the Obama White House has green light two surges in Afghanistan since 2009, this is Obama's War, very much like Vietnam become LBJ's War. In stark truth Karzai is the only game in town, if Obama gets rids of President Karzai one way or another the war and the running of Afghanistan become one, thus more problems for Obama. The War in Afghanistan was the good war in the eyes of liberal Democrats, now that the death rate is going up the liberals in the Democratic Party are showing their usual yellow streak, but to give POTUS his due he has not backed off Afghanistan, thus his recent visit, as stated it wont be health care reform that brings down Obama it will be Afghanistan, Obama is the heir to LBJ.

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