Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Secret History - The Blair/Bush Letters on Iraq

The Times: Reports on the revelation from the Iraq Inquiry that UK PM Tony Blair sent notes to Bush 43 that stated that the UK would support the USA at the end of the day when it came to Iraq. This is an interesting revelation, lets see if ever see the light of day this side of the pond, it would be interesting to see how much stress Blair placed on the Diplomatic route, if at any time Blair said something in the notes that did not match his public utterances or his statements to the House of Commons. This is the UK, those documents will never see the light of day, but in the USA there is the Freedom of Information Act, lets hope historians or even Congress has a look at these documents. Someone in the UK has to take the blame at the end of the day for the failure of the British mission in Iraq, last time I looked the PM at the time was Tony Blair.

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