Monday, January 04, 2010


The New York Times: The Liberal NYT is back on its favourite hobby horse, it wants to grant rights to terrorists, this time the extreme liberal NYT is having a go at the US Court System, the NYT writes the following, " the Supreme Court has granted the government immunity for subjecting people in its custody to terrible mistreatment. " Thus Bush 43 and President Obama come under critical review, as stated in my last post while the rhetoric of Obama has to be the left his action on national security on the whole, has gotten him a B+ from this blog, he has carried on with rendition policies of Bush 43, he has increased drone attacks in Pakistan, he has increased US presence in Yemen another failed state. The extreme liberal NYT is not happy that the Obama Administration did not support a plan to get Bush era officials in to court, this was a wise move by Obama, he can not afford to be seen as weak on national security. The left have no place to go, they are not going to flush the first African - American President down the toilet, that would be racist, ironic, caught out by their own PC.

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