Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Obama's Polls

RCP: Reports on the average of polls on President Obama's approval ratings. RCP reports Obama has 49.5% approval rating, while the negatives stand at 44.8%. Thus can Obama improve his ratings for next year, Obama can not afford to lose the House or for Republicans to take more seats in the Senate, if the above happens his Agenda is dead on the Hill. Also the economic recovery is not like the Reagan years, a deep recession followed by an economic boom of the 80s, the recession could be a slow recovery followed by a low level of job recovery. Thus my prediction that the Republicans will take a lot of seats in the House if not take control and make deep gains in the the Senate that makes the Obama Agenda a dodo on the Hill. Thus my stated prediction that Obama will either not run in 2012 or lose his bid for re-election.

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