Friday, November 06, 2009

Obama's Health Care Reform Bill - THE VOTE

Fox News: Reports that the Saturday vote for health care reform could be pushed on to Sunday or later in the week, the Democrats it seems don't have the vote yes to pass the Bill. Folks this is your chance to win one for the Gipper, phone, email or visit your Congressman or woman and tell them you oppose this bill, the bill as CNN reports will cost a trillion dollars, there will be death panels, if your old your for the scrap heep, if you have served in the Forces and need medical cover long term don't expect much help, also Washington D.C will tell your Doctor how to treat you, do you trust Speaker Pelosi over your Doctor. Thus win one for the Gipper folks, oppose the Obama wrecking of your medical cover, send a message to the Obama West Wing, this far and no more, oppose Obama Health Care.

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