Monday, November 09, 2009

The New Obama SURGE for Afghanistan

Telegraph: Reports that President Obama will send another thirty four thousand troops to Afghanistan. If this is true, then the move is the right move, its not the forty thousand but its enough, thus over all the USA will have around ninety thousand troops in theatre with NATO having another forty thousand troops. Lets see if this makes any difference on the ground, also we have the General McChrystal strategy of protection of the cities, leaving the countryside to the Taliban/Al Qaeda. Do I think it will work, honestly VIEWS has great doubts, but the UK has lost to many of its Armed Forces to run away now, its to late, we are up to our neck in Afghanistan, we got run out of Iraq, that did us no favours with the US military. If the Great is Great Britain is to mean something we have to fight the good fight in Afghanistan, yes we will lose, but if we do run out it will be with the Americans first on that mystic chopper. The UK PM Gordon Brown will come under pressure to add troops, he will have to if Obama follows through with the surge, even if the result is bad, we have to follow through, this is our third or fourth Afghan War, they never end well, but they do end, lets hope the death toll is something we always remember.

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