Monday, November 09, 2009

Is Gordon Brown Dyslexic ?

BBC News: Reports on a new mess of Afghan policy by the UK PM Gordon Brown, it seems that the PM sent a letter of condolence that was full of errors and spelling mistakes to the family of a soldier that has died in Afghanistan. It is known that the PM has a problem with one of his eyes, there have been alleged rumours that he has problem with his other eye, but one has to ask is our PM dyslexic. This is not an attack, as those kind to read this blog will have bound to notice either spelling or grammar mistakes, VIEWS is also dyslexic but when it comes to these issues VIEWS always uses spell check, but more important double checks the info. The PM's spelling mistakes sound like he was spelling the words in phonic, how they sound not how they are spelt. In essence if the PM has a problem he should make sure that the staff at 10 Downing Street check his mail, what if sends a letter and causes a diplomatic row, or worse, if you have a problem you have to adjust, thus PM write your letters but them aside and check them later, also have the staff check them, that what they get paid for at the end of the day, make you look good, this kind of process is to important to be done in hurry, read your letters PM.

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