Sunday, November 01, 2009

Is Hillary running in 2012 ?

The Sunday Times: Reports on the supportive statements by the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the policy of Israel towards the Palestinian people. Does one smell a rat here, is Hillary Clinton thinking about 2012; just getting support from the Israeli; does she think Obama is an empty suit due to his dithering over Afghanistan, his failure with Iran, the jobless economic recovery, the general US voter apposition to his health care reform, are the Clintons, this is Hillary and Bill thinking this could be pay back time for Obama, could they pull a Reagan of 1976. In 1976 Reagan then former Governor of California ran against a sitting Republican President, President Ford, Reagan came within a hundred votes of beating Ford, does any one doubt that he would have beaten Jimmy Carter. One would not be that surprised if Mrs Clinton was to resign in 2010 and start to visit Iowa for a holiday or New Hampshire, just to see the sights of course, and repay Obama for beating the Clintons in 2008. Politics is a brutal game, that's the fun folks.

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